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I currently offer three retreats. The Inspired Spirit Retreat, The Empowered Soul retreat and the We Are Intuitive Retreat. Check details below for more information. 


The Inspired Spirit Retreat - 

Ready to set your soul on fire through spiritual connection? The Inspired Spirit Retreat will do just that. Those who attend keep coming back for more because these magical experiences truly do change lives! When we discover that we ALL have access to the spiritual realms, and can receive guidance from our spirit team as I lovingly coined our angels, guides and loved ones on the other side, we open the door to infinite possibilities! We get aligned with our purpose, we become inspired to be the best version of ourselves. We aren’t looking for people who feel completely healed because we are always on a continuous journey of self expansion and healing. Come as you are, wherever you are, no matter your age, or place in life, no matter your career, if you feel you have it all figured out or you don’t….come find spiritual wellness and ignite your soul at the Inspired Spirit Retreat!


Key Takeways


*Connect to your Highest Self

*Alignment with your purpose

*Learn to connect to the spiritual realm

*Sound healing

*Wellness of mind, body and soul


*Inspiration for your life

*Spiritual connections

*Stress and Anxiety relief

*Gentle body movement through yoga

*Energy healing

*Creativity with Spirit Art

*Intuitively chosen swag bags valued at $100​


Registration is open for April 21-24th 2025 in Sedona, AZ Register Here


The Empowered Soul Retreat -

We all aspire to be our best self and live to our highest potential. Often, certain relationships or experiences can leave us drained and out of touch with who we want to be. It can be a lonely place to feel not good enough, to feel like you don’t matter. Going through this leaves us feeling out of touch and in the dark. Where did we lose our strength along the way? I have been here myself and it was from the darkness I discovered the light and rediscovered who I am and who I am meant to be. The Empowered Soul Retreat was inspired by my own life. Because of this, I want to help you find the light that has been there all along. To find strength again and to discover your true self. Connect with other women, gain confidence and banish anxiety. Heal and restore your soul through connection to spirituality and yourself. Join us for this life changing event so you can feel empowered and thrive in your life from here on out.


This event is for any female who has experienced relational trauma. This retreat is offering you a safe space to connect to other like minded women, gain knowledge about connecting to the spiritual realm, healing through multiple therapies and receive support and coaching from others who have valuable experience in these areas. If you have never experienced these scenarios listed, this retreat will absolutely still benefit you! It really comes down to healing and empowerment through spiritual connection. 


There will be group mediumship demonstrations, one on one Goddess photoshoots,  powerful-interactive group work, individual soul work and of course each guest will be provided with intuitively chosen amazing items to compile an incredible spiritual swag bag totaling over $100 worth of gifts.​


We Are Intuitive Retreat -

We are all energy and we are all born with intuition. Our intuition is a muscle we can strengthen. Dive deep into your soul to find out who you truly are and all that you are capable of. I will be sharing all of my professional tips, secrets and tools so that you can unlock your own spirituality and be connected to the incredible world of Spirit. This retreat will be a turning point in your life and you will gain a sense of belonging in this world as well as tips and tools that you can use and carry with you for all the rest of your days on Earth. If you have been feeling anxious, stuck, alone or just feeling something bigger than you that you want to tap into this retreat is for you. I will not only share my expertise as a medium, but i will demonstrate my mediumship abilities and will teach YOU how to be a conduit for the spiritual realm.

There will be group mediumship demonstrations, powerful-interactive group work, individual soul work and of course each guest will be provided with intuitively chosen amazing items to compile an incredible spiritual swag bag totaling over $100 worth of gifts.


You were made to connect to your highest self. Investing in YOU  is one of the most beautiful gifts you could ever give yourself. If creating a group of soul connected lifelong friends, and connection to who you are and this universe we reside in feels like it is calling you. Join us for a mind blowing, transformative retreat in the amazing Oregon. I cannot wait to see you, learn and feel the greatest connection with you.


Registration is closed​





Haylie curated the most beautiful and intuitively guided retreat. Each coach has their own set of skills and unique experiences to hold space for you on your own healing journey. I was given tools to take home with me to empower me spiritually and help me to continue to grow. I had so many sacred healing experiences over the course of three days. I feel renewed, even transformed into a new and better, more empowered me! I'm now not afraid to be me, and to be proud of my own uniqueness. I would highly recommend this retreat to any woman looking to deepen their relationship with themselves spiritually, mentally, or emotionally!


Haylies Spiritual Retreats are Disney Land for the soul! There’s no place on earth I know of where you can experience Mediumship readings, learn Mediumship skills, get coaching, experience healing sound, and release negative emotions and karmic patterns so that you can be truly empowered at the level of soul! I am forever changed, and forever grateful!


Haylie’s retreat was an eye-opening experience (third eye included 😜). The healers’ ability to help all of the attendees unique levels were spot-on. The healing wasn’t just a surface level thing, it reached much deeper than that. I feel more confidence in every area of my life, mind, body, and spirit. I would recommend this retreat to anyone who just needs a women’s weekend away, needing a perspective change, anxiety attunement, and/or wanting to become more intuitive. Thank you Haylie for providing such a wonderful place for everyone to come together as one and work together as one!


This was hands down the most enlightening and connecting experience I’ve had esp in a group setting. Each healer had so many unique gifts that they offered personally for my highest good, for my personal healing and instruction! The atmosphere was free of judgment and so so loving and open! It was amazing connecting with so many other like-minded ladies, I learned and felt so much from everyone who came, it’s hard to put into words what this retreat has meant to me! It was more than I could’ve imagined, everyone needs to experience this retreat!


Haylie creates a safe space to tap into your intuition and strengthen your trust in yourself. She is a wonderfully gifted teacher and attracts the most amazing women into these sacred containers. If you want to keep growing your soul family, make it a point to attend a retreat Haylie puts together. You will not leave the same and you’ll be changed for the better. I’m so glad I chose to invest in learning more about myself and my innate gifts. I felt loved, encouraged, challenged, and transformed. You won’t regret this experience. It is life changing!


Just amazing. Literally eye opening and uplifting in a way that I didn't know was possible. I went to Haylies retreat because I see signs in everything and I left feeling like a whole new person. I left feeling stronger emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. It was a powerful experience I did not expect I met people that I felt like I had already known forever. I have tools to keep growing myself and my intuition and to keep my emotional cup from overflowing. Totally amazing. Thank you ladies for everything.


This retreat was seriously out of this world! Thank you Haylie so much for following your gut each time and making your retreats a reality! I am forever changed in an amazing way but I also feel like I was brought back to my true self who I missed so much and longed to see again. I believe it is because of Haylie's natural way of choosing the right people to be on her team each and every time. I am so incredibly grateful for every single person that was at the retreat and I never ever felt more connected which such a large group before! I finally felt that sense of belonging. I just feel myself taking so many breaths of relief. If you are hesitant about going but have a feeling you should this and just know everything will fall into place. Thank you a million lifetimes for this opportunity Haylie, thank you for bringing me back to me!


Words can’t describe what happened and how I feel. It was all so beautiful, magical and healing.


I knew that this retreat would be very special, but I was surprised by the healing effects that others transformations had on me. I’ve never felt so connected to a large group like this, and it was truly a magical experience. I’m already looking for ways to incorporate this new sense of community into my life. If you’ve ever felt alone or lost in your spiritual journey, this retreat is for you. There is a whole network of women on similar journeys just waiting to connect with you! It is so healing and transformative, that you can’t help but feel a blossoming from this experience. I would recommend this retreat to anyone!

-Heather S

It was pure magic! What a beautiful space to practice strengthening our own intuition and opportunity to share our gifts/energy with each other. So much love and light in one space!


This retreat changed my life in numerous ways. letting go of the fear and replacing it with confidence is absolutely life changing.


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